Conversation Between Raveyn1010 and mindflower
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Hi there! My name's Tay, I'm 15, and I'm a Buddy here on TeenHelp (buddies go around to some new users and welcome them to the site, and so you know, TH is a wonderful, awesome site)
So, here are some links that would be cool to try:
Support Forums There are several different forums, depending on what advise you're looking for, or just want to vent or express yourself
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Social Groups
If you ever have any questions, or just need a friend to talk to, I'm always here If you do want to message me, you can click, well, either one of these: PM or VM
on that note... hi I did read that blog, and first of all, it is totally normal to expiriement with things like that. If I were you, I'd ask your friend how he feels about you and your placement on the friendship scale, and bleeding does happen sometimes when you do that, but don't let this sort of thing control your life and hormones (trust me, I've seen addiction to it, I've seen it)
Anyways, how are you?