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Conversation Between R13ose and CanadaCraig
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. CanadaCraig
    March 25th 2010 09:00 AM - permalink
    Hi Shawn!!
    I hope you're having a groovy day.
    Thanks for accepting my friendship request.
    GBH - Craig!!
  2. CanadaCraig
    January 7th 2010 12:33 PM - permalink
    Hi Shawn!!
    I hope you're having a super duper day.
    I was surprised to find that you were not already my TH friend.
    So I just sent you a 'friendship request'. I hope you'll accept it!!
    Sorry about the chat. I kept getting bumped off.
    Not sure how much of my 'point' you got to read - but I'll sum up what I was trying to say.
    IF I was the leader of some 'environmental group' - I would immediately shift the focus away from the environment - and ON to people. That may sound odd - but let me put it this say. I don't want to save TREES [For example] because I'm madly in love with TREES. I want to save trees [And whales and spotted owls and the ozone layer and so on] because I love PEOPLE!! And at first - most environmentalist [I imagine] would say, "Well, duh!!" But I'm sorry to say - far too many of 'them' really don't 'get it'. IF a person truly wants the power to influence - they're not going to get that power from a tree or spotted owl or whatever. That POWER comes from PEOPLE. So the more you can get PEOPLE to appreciate that the environment is NOT about trees [Or ice bergs] but about THEM - the more likely they will be to support your cause. Do you see what I mean? The same is true for global warming. Let's say you interviewed people in downtown Los Angeles and asked them, "What do you think of global warming?" Chances are - you'll get all sorts of answers. Some people will be quite concerned while others will adamantly deny such a 'thing' even exists. And who can blame them. Not everyone believes that 'man' is the cause of global warming. There is still great debate over that - outside of the so-called 'scientific community'. BUT.... ask those SAME people what they think about pollution - and chances are - practically everyone will be concerned to one degree or another. See what I'm getting at? Global warming? Well - that's too much to take in. Besides - it doesn't directly effect ME. [So far as I can tell] But POLLUTION!! When MY eyes are watering. When MY lungs are choking. THAT is when I will be more likely to support something that you are trying to do. So that's what I would focus on. The end result will be the same. But NOW I've greatly improved the odds in my favour of getting POWER. In others words - the support of the people.
    That was quite the summing up!! LOL
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