Hahaha, that's the kind of response I expected LOL. I am good, just studying away like any normal seventeen year old student at SMSHS in Western Sydney would. I loooooooooooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeeee my school. I am off now, I can go HOME! That awesome place I look forward to going to every single day. Today so far has been okay. Pretty cruisy, no dramas at all. I want to go home haha. I thought I might stay back and do some work and write to a few friends (guess who LOL?)
My only regret: I thought this week was going to be more dramatic, more emotional than this. It's been kind of boring so far LOL.
And how are you this fine afternoon?
I am looking forward to Friday and it is only Tuesday LOL
. Much <3, Hamed Khatiz.