LOL, I honestly thought you knew my first name since we've both been on here for so long. But anyway, my first name is Nick. Thank you for the compliments but I also have to say, you're one of the few on here who also give excellent, sound, reliable advice. I've been approached both in chat,
PM and on the forums for advice, and usually when you're in the thread (but even if you're not), I recommended users talk to you. I know you study psychology as well but you seem to be better at the actual advice part and diagnostics, whereas I'm more into the biological, pharmacological and diagnostics part.
I posted in the Debates section a week or so ago but you can look online for yourself, have you seen the draft for the proposed DSM-V (whenever the hell it's going to be released)? There are many changes on there I'm for, against or just plain surprised.