Conversation Between Politics and Babity
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
haha. yes...not really popular but they're good quailty.
Oh no! Your memory is fading lol. You'll have to put post it notes everywhere lol
Haha I feel like we're sucking up to Bill Gates and he's watching us and all the other microsoft users hahaha
Lol, too true. I've never used those thing you were talking about. I've even forgotten what they're called already, and I only read your post like a minute ago. God, my memory is shocking.
But yes, all hail Microsoft
O true that. Windows is like...should not even be legal to use lol. It's horrible.
I supposed compared to it iTunes is nice. But they have windows programs like that (Zune, Rhapsody, ect.) I tried Zune but it's kinda annoying. And it focuses way too much on one specific brand like iTunes does. I like Rhapsody cause it takes any type of player.
But amen...Macs=horribleness lol
Lol, I hate iTunes when I first tired it. Then i fell in love with it. Better than Windows Media Player. iTunes is the only apple thing I'll use. I hate Macs, can't stand them. They're utter crap. xD
iTunes *shutters*
I don't get along with most apple products lol. I can't even handle and iPod with out it exploding or something like that lol
Ooooh, sounds like the Genius tool on iTunes. I've not used it yet, should give it a whirl.

oh ya. going to concerts is how I discovered Hush Sound (Panic concert woot woot!!)
I get a bit of my songs from Rhapsody. It lists new artist and it has a feature called my playlist where it puts artists and songs you'd like based on the songs you download. Usually it's accurate
LOL, the eye sees all.
Yeah that's the most interesting story of how I came to like a band.
I once went to a gig to see a band I never heard of. That's one good way to do it.
But I tend to just either accidently download the wrong songs and get into bands that way, or its just like you said, what evers on the tv or radio.
haha. it has an all seeing eye through ur avatar lol
hahah. no that's cool. I wish the way I got into bands was more interesting. my stories just consist of me seeing them on tv, radio, or the internet...lameness lol
Lol, my computer is uber physic :P
I think, I was watching a program about pandas...bare with me on this. And they were talking about how they were becoming extinct ect ect, and I'm sure the song For you by Coldplay of course, was the background music. I really liked it, so downloaded it, and downloaded aload of other coldplay stuff. Been in love with them since. Strange story, I know. Even stranger that I can remember that xD