Conversation Between PickingUpThePieces and Rhop101
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
well good luck with the packing! haha, i know what you mean about being lonely, i get that way too haha.
lol well I've been doing fine, I get lonely at times, but I get through it. Just packing up stuff to get ready to go today and hanging out with friends.
well that's good haha. so how're you?
I'm more excited because I get to meet new people and I'm not sure what it's gonna be like for classes so that's something I'll start worrying about when I'm moved in haha
haha heyy, are you nervous for college? or more excited?? haha. i go in 2 years =/ lol. well as you know, i'm liz :] i'm doing pretty good!
Nice to meet you Liz.
I'm Robert. I've been doing great and I can't wait for college. I read your about me that's cool being interested in the behavior of people.
How are you?
Heyy, I don't think we've talked before, so I thought I would introduce myself :]
I'm Liz, How're you??