aww poor dog ;((( i guess it happens ae.. still sad
I used to have this rabbit and it was really untame: it runs around our street nowadays wild lol. one time it was sitting in the middle of the road watching the cars and almost got run over ??? My mum reckons he's deaf or something lol

Wow awesome you went to NZ! Where abouts did you go? It's a great place! I love it here, there's so much more to do than in London. It was a really big change though, moving to a town where there is a maximum of 1000 ppl and everyone knows everyone else! =P I definately prefer it though even with it's lack of... civilisation lol. There's about 5 shops and 1 supermarket. Sometimes when the town has powercuts, the only place with light is the supermarket, so everyone goes there to see what's going on and stuff! lol
Hmm :/ i have lots of homework too

at least i have time to catch up.. I'm off skl sick today! =P Got a pretty bad cold though

lol cya