Wow scary, at least you're alright ! But hows the car ??! My mate was getting driven home the other week and apparently their car crashed and flipped !! Not sure she would've come out as well as she did if it had of flipped though... Lol. she exaggerates sometimes !
Yeh summer xmas is great ! Wow monsoons, what are they like ? I dont think i'd survive, i hate humid weather ! Lololol

Haha yeah, skiing is really great, you should come to nz sometime, pretty good here !
Oh yep sure does, it'd be cool having a bday then !! Lol Wow South Africa, that would've been awesome. Haha family stuff aye. For n.y eve we had a bonfire & fireworks on the beach with family and lots of friends, it was really fun

Ps we just started school yesterday !! Hmwk from every subject so far :@ !!!! AAAARGGHHH Lol