Conversation Between ohmy and NoHope1
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
Why? What did you aparenty do this time? And you do do this right.
Symptoms of psychosis include:
difficulty concentrating
depressed mood
sleeping too much or not enough
withdrawal from family and friends
disorganized speech, such as switching topics erratically
suicidal thoughts or actions.
You're fine. A lot of people show most of these symptoms. Yes you have some stuff on here. But not the parts that really make a psychopath. Like delusions or hallucinations. Or the fact that you're perfectly sane dude. Like I highly doubt that when you're older you'll be crazy or insane. Like a murderer, or something.
I have to tell you something.
1. Boy friend.
2. Smoking.
3. Sneaking out.
or 4 getting drunk.
You've just discovered Hot Topic?