Conversation Between NightmareVisions and xoxtammixox
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 15 of 15
Glad you're okay,
Me? Well, I'm...I'm not too sure. The idea of suicide is still twirling around my head, but I've got no energy to even move so I doubt it'd be happening. I'm exhuasted ):
I am good, thank-you for asking.(: I'm glad that I could help you. How are you?
Thanks, yeah..I guess he wasn't worth it to be honest. He just pushed me when I was already on the edge. How are you?
Your welcome... You know, sometimes you just have got to realise that some people just aren't worth caring about. He shouldn't have done that. I'm glad you aren't going to do that tonight. Even if you do that tommorow, at least you have enjoyed another day of life, or at least learned something from a sad day of life.(: If you ever feel like that again, feel free to message me. I'm here to talk to.
Hello, I just wanted to say thank you for the reply on my thread. It meant a lot to me, and maybe just managed to stop me from doing harm tonight, so thank you x