Conversation Between NightmareVisions and FastForward2012
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
Ohhh. I'm sorry for asking then. I understand.
Thank you
Don't say that. It is important. YOU are important.
Whats going on?
You can PM me if you'd feel more comfortable.
My name isn't LJ, but I don't want people knowing my real name (:
I'd very much like to remain anonymous (or however you spell it) lol.
*sticks tongue out back*
I'm glad you're okay (:
To be honest, no...I'm not okay, but it's not important..
take caree x x
Hello LJ
Is your name LJ or does it stand for something?
Not fair. *sticks out tongue* haha.
I'm doing good.
I hope you're okay as well.
I know that you've been going through some tough times lately.
I'm here for you.always. 
Oh, hey (: I'm LJ (:
and yes, I am older (: Woo!
Hope you're okay
I'm Gina,btw.
Haha,thats cool.
Except you're older then I am.
Oh, umm...hello...
You're birthday is a day before mine...haha.
Sorry, I'm totally off the point. Hmm.
I've forgotten what you sent me now...oh dear...sorry...
Are you there?
Please talk to me.
It doesn't have to be this way.
It really doesn't.