Conversation Between newbie552 and MisplacedDreamer
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
Well, I would wait on telling the other one till you officially know whether you have one of the jobs. It is kind of jumping the gun and they may start scheduling you less if they think you are leaving.
yeah, i told one of them so far and she seemed cool about it. Now I just need to tell the other one...
Well, advancement is a perfectly good reason to quit. Plus liking the job better is a huge plus. A lot of employers are great if you give them proper warning.
i'd give them as much notice as i can, i'm only quitting if i get one of the 2 jobs i applied for. they pay better and i think i'd enjoy the work more
Well, is there a particular reason why you would be quitting? Would you give them proper notice?
might be quiting, freaked about telling my boss
Why are you scaed for work?
Scared for work, eager to get it over with (six hours and counting)
Just reading stuff on here and in my school books. What's up with you?