Conversation Between newbie552 and Fishie
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
schools ok so far. I have a friend in every class. But I hate the computers class. You should really try to go because in a while you might miss school believe it or not (it's what I heard, I don't necessarily believe it) you might wanna go though just to ensure that you gratuate
Oh who want's to go back to school? lol This is my last year so really i have given up on going, not really but i dont have the will power, I am pretty good thanks. How is school?
I'm alright, have to go back to school on Thursday but besides that fine (I DONT WANNA GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!). How about you?
Thanks for the message. I love your avitar, its pretty neat. How are you?
hey, I like your name