Conversation Between Music is my Life and PickingUpThePieces
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 25
I wouldn't say its my life lol, but it's deffinately a part of me :] ahahah. So how're you?
Same here so much it's like my life
That's pretty cool. I'm not much an actor, i like doing more the behind the scenes stuff, ya know?
Mostly Stage. Not acting I did it once I love it though.
well, i've been on the acting side of it, and i've been on the sound design/set design/ costume design/ lighting side of it. I stage manage and assist at a childrens theatre so, its pretty cool haha. what about you?
Sweet what part of theater
I'm 16, going to be a Junior, and i love theatre
17 years old going to be a senior and I love the theater.
what am i like? haha. well, im human :] i learn, love and make mistakes. what are you like?
pretty good what are you like?