Hey there Mrs.Johnson1! Welcome to teenhelp!

We're so glad you're here, and we hope you'll enjoy your time here! I'm Bre I'm a buddy here at teenhelp. I like to call it a personal tour guide/helper that is here to welcome and help you as you go around the site. I'm just gonna highlight a few areas that we always show new people to help them get around the site with a breeze. The first area I'd like to show you is:
How to Obtain Advice/Support, where you can find all the areas of site used to get advice/support and how they can be used. Also while you're there why not post an introduction here:
Arrivals/Departures, but only if you want to. We also have many areas on the site just for fun such as: games, blogs, social groups, chat, and more! If you have any questions feel free to
PM me or another staff member, and we'll be glad to help! You can recognize is by our colorful usernames, and the legend at the bottom of forums explains what each means. Hope to see you around soon!