Yeah, I inboxed her about a half hour after she saw it, saying "sorry you had to see that" and admitting how close I came to calling police and she said she doesn't want help right now and she wants me to respect that.
She said I went behind her back on this by going to the forums and she is not OK with that. So I just left it there, I didn't respond or anything, I didn't call anyone, I just left it. Someone deleted the thread too, so...
I looooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee music, especially when studying and doing assignments, I am soooooooooooooooo with you on that one. I have got the headphones back and my sister's gone to work, so I am heading out to the library now and I have got the tunes to support me
You know what I have got to look into? Yoga. The gym used to host Yoga classes, I don't know whether they still do or not, but yeah. Yeah, my body is letting off some warning signs that I am ging a bit too far with the stress right now, I need to listen to more relaxing songs LOL
That's good to hear!
. Complete this sentence: "I am happy today because......."