EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEE! Chanteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeele! Hi! My name is Hamed Khatiz and thanks so much for visiting my profile lately. How did thee find me? Don't worry, I ask that to everyone who comes onto my profile because people don't usually visit my profile because I'm lonely....
I'm lonely....
LOL, jokes, I am a social flutterby haha
My name is Hameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! Otherwise known as Hamed haha. Wait, I alerady mentioned my name. What the flip? It must be the sleep deprivation at the moment, I'm tired.
Caffeine time
How are you? Hey, I heard you were injured
. Not stalking just.... umm... never mind, get better sooooooooooooooooon! Hahaha, I ran into the post you sent Paula below me
Hey, Chantelle, have you ever seen me around the site before? Cause I'm usually this cheerful and hyper and crazy, just warning you. Like it will be a problem anyway haha
THAT'S WHASSUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I forgot to tell you as well, I am not just being random, H is me. H. My signoff. Because my name begins with H. And I'm cool like that....
And I still haven't taken that Caffeine yet haha. OMG, sorry this is so long. Talking stops here....
I promise