Not sure what you mean by 'two units'. :S At our school, across our state I am pretty sure you can't choose more than 4 electives, because English and Maths is compulsory. Our school refers to Physics + Chemistry + Biology the triple threat haha. For obvious reasons lmao.

Physics is the hardest and requires at least Maths B although they recommend Maths C (Which at least in Queensland you are required to do Maths B if you choose Maths C), and you need a B and A minimum to get into Maths B and Maths C respectively. I can tell you now, that your school probably won't let you do more than 6 subjects or 5 + a certificate 3 or diploma but for some reason TAFE courses are considered vocational so you actually need the Principal's permission and even then, you lose 1 day a week and you are already at a disadvantage for your
OP score at the end of Grade 12. Definitely continue with languages, but unless you comprehend it all really easily I wouldn't go doing German through Senior if you have no previous experience with it - it's like one of the hardest and most confusing languages - the grammar is intense, even after the reforms lol. If you're going to do it, then do your homework and revise!, otherwise good luck. aha I'm only doing another language as I'm on an A- in both English extension and German atm and they said to go with what you do best at in senior. Plus, in south-east Queensland we receive 2 rank points (=1
OP) per language studied up to grade 12 which means if I do French or Russian on top of German and recieve an
OP 6, upon attending a University that recognises the achievement, I can actually get into
OP 4 courses.
OP, btw is you graded against the rest of your peers, which is why the discourage doing any less and any more than the minimum 6 subjects. Apparently the work load doubles next year too, and grade 8 & 9 are honestly a breeze in comparison to semester 2 of grade 10 - when they prepare you for senior. :O I agree though, I would love to learn all these things but it simply isn't possible in the space of 6 hours a day over 2 years.

Apparently French is rather easy for us English speakers to pick up, and I have done German since grade 5 so any language shouldn't be too hard to pick up as they all share some elements. But it's just with Russian I'll be so cool when I speak it and with French I can reel in all the bitches aha. Mmm, but learning another language is great, I'm sure you'll agree. I can understand a few songs in German now. It's just that with Russian you have a semi-different alphabet and complicated grammar and verb forms but I kinda figure it can't be anymore difficult than German. :S Neunundneunzig Entscheidung Straße haha. :/ I really can't decide, because we also have a few teachers that speak Russian, Ukrainian etc. I really do think French would be easier but omg Russian, it sounds amazing! :O Back and forth; back and forth; back and forth. :S =(