Conversation Between Miss Professor Sexy and justlikeme0
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Hey sara6297,
How are you? I’m Dani, I’m a buddy on TeenHelp. Buddies are the users with the lime green usernames (like mine
). They are here to help new users so if you have any questions or if you just want to chat, feel free to Message (VM/PM) me anytime.
How do you like the site? Have you had time to explore around a little? It really is a great site. Why don’t you try to introduce yourself in the Arrivals and Departures Forum. Its a great way start off your posting status. If you want help on how to do this click *HERE* and *HERE*. Then check out the different features of TeenHelp, if you haven’t already. My personal favorite is the chat room. It’s a great place to meet new people, chat a bit and even get support/advice. You should try it out if you can.
I hope to see you around the site.
Message me for anything.
Have a great day.
-Dani =)