Conversation Between mindflower and owen123
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
If you ever meet one face to face, my only advice, treat him like you'd want to be treated by your boyfriend (assuming that having a boyfriend is your preference over a girl) take it slow, and you know, be yourself 
Feeling insecure is normal by the way, but I'm glad you're getting stronger and more open to yourself 
Your warm welcome is welcomed This site is awesome, I got on it back in April, its helped me a whole lot I am a female, so I am... well okay, I am lesbian for my girlfriend, but straight for the guy that me and my now girlfriend used to be in a threesome with. Her ex-boyfriend in other words. Its confusing, but I am totally bisexual, leaning towards lesbian.
Hm, well I know a couple of gay guys, and they're super cool. Really funny too 
Sadly, our school dissaproves of people like me, so I can't come out as it, but...yeah.
I'm ranting 
Ideas... is there a LBQG group in your city? o shoot, no I just read there isn't. Gr. Um, well its your heart and your feelings, but when one comes around, you'll know it there's tons of them out there, even where you're from, even if there isn't a group like it.
Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm good thanks, I love this site. I used 2 feel so unsecure. R u also gay? I've always wondered wat I should do if I met a gay guy (my age) face 2 face. Any ideas?
Hey there (I'm assuming Owen) My names Tay, I'm 15, and I'm a Buddy here on TeenHelp (buddies go around to some new users and welcome them to the site, and so you know, TH is a wonderful, awesome site) 
So, here are some links that would be cool to try:
Support Forums: There are several different forums, depending on what advise you're looking for, or just want to vent or express yourself 
HelpLINK System:
Chat Room:
Live Help System:
Social Groups:
If you ever have any questions, or just need a friend to talk to, I'm always here 
on that note... hi I saw some of your posts, and it is TOTALLY okay to be questioning or a different sexuality. And you've come to the right place, we accept everyone like that. I would know, I mean, I have a girlfriend and people completely support us. But on a different note, how are you?
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