lI see, it makes sense, You just need to keep trying things until you figure out what works the best

Oh, you write? Thats awesome, I used to write a lot when I was younger...but Ive been having some serious writers block the past year or two. Its like my brain won't focus on something creative, or words just won't come out. But I want to get back into it
I understand about the sleep thing. My friend has night terrors and she's terrified to go to bed. But these meds, the zopiclone at least, knocks you out after an hour or so. So really, even if you're over thinking or scared to sleep, it just knocks you out, lol. &I used to do that too. I have a bunch of fiends who live all over the country, so in different time zones, so I used to stay up really late on Skype with them. It was really bad when i first started dating my bf who was 4 hours behind me, so we would like talk sometimes until like six in the morning my time lol. But now I live in the same time zone and were both really busy so its not like that anymore lol