Conversation Between mindflower and doggyfrog124
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
I just really like being there for people.... it really strikes an emotional nerve in me when someone is going through something I've been through as well. I just.... I like knowing I can help. I've actually saved people before, and it's truly an honor knowing that.
But, in those words, I say thank you 
You're very welcome
and I'm always here if you need someone 
yea thxs

there's always someone. whether or not its always easy to see. And when someones there to love you, as my friend Zoa would always say, then everything's okay 
yea I guess nd there I someone who loves me
I don't hate you. In fact, everyone here on TeenHelp likes you
I bet you have family who cares about you, and friends as well, but maybe something that has happened in your life or is happening right now is keeping you from seeing that?
You have to think not about "everyone hates me" because its not true, but rather "someone loves me".