Aw, well, thanks

People generally say I'm pretty nice... being anything else is a struggle for me. Seriously, I'm only a bi*ch around my teachers


(no seriously)
I actually cried a little too, I mean, she's awesome, and hey, maybe she'll be back someday? People return sometimes, I've seen it happen.
Glad to hear you're alright

Well... I've been struggling a lot with relationships and hallucinations and insomnia and self worth. I don't ever see a reason to keep breathing and... everyone seems so worried but they'll never understand

Two people really want to be with me, one being my exboyfriend, and one being a girl, but sadly, the guy I really wanna be with loves her, and I love him, and she loves me. Its still a triangle. Its just... I can't begin to explain the struggle. And the hallucinations never go away, sometimes they take control of my mind and emotions and I can't... its terrifying. I don't sleep anymore because of how terrified I am and the nightmares and that I miss the guy I love who used to talk to me everynight but... like I said, he doesn't like me anymore. I just.... I feel so alone and weak in this world and everything I do is a trigger to self harm or starve again. Its not good.....
Sorry that was a lot to take in :/