Cloud nine?

why why why why????
...okay. Complain time. This week was supposed to be fine, you know? I actually faced my fear, I talked to the guy I love, whom I'm terrified of. I'm not even sure why I'm scared of him, but every time I see him or hear his voice or remember him I want to crawl out of my skin and run away and scream. Its awful. But no, I talked to him, I HUGGED HIM. And all was well, until he goes and tells my ex about what we did a couple months ago. ....sexually, we did things a couple months ago. Maybe that contributes to the fear thing. Anyways, he told my ex, and my ex. Cody, he... he was going to get back together with me. He's PISSED. And then, okay. I can't sleep anymore. I. Give. Up. Its SICK what happens in my head nowadays, its disgusting and depressing and killing me and I don't want The End to win, but they will. And the nightmares... no. Okay. Done even trying. No. But that means I have a lot of time at night to think and thinking leads to tears and panic attacks... ugh. And I really, really want to run away. Its unhealthy how badly I need to get out of here. Its just.... I don't know..... I'm not on cloud 9....
...anyways.... but why are you??