Conversation Between mindflower and confusedemily13
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
Oohhh, I see
well I'm flattered definitely 
No problem! It's quite goth like which is why I was attracted to it...
Aw thank you so much!
Happy new year to you too 
Happy new year! Love your pic above ^
You're very welcome 
Hello. Thanks for the welcome message x
Hi there
My names Tay, I'm 15 (I saw that you're 13, and well, I'm guessing your name is emily but you never know) and I'm a Buddy here on TeenHelp (buddies go around to some new users and welcome them to the site, and so you know, TH is a wonderful, awesome site) 
So, here are some links that would be cool to try:
Support Forums: There are several different forums, depending on what advise you're looking for, or just want to vent or express yourself 
HelpLINK System:
Chat Room:
Live Help System:
Social Groups:
If you ever have any questions, or just need a friend to talk to, I'm always here 
on that note... hi
how are you?