Hi, and thank you for the kind words. I don't know if everyone gets this but i will post it anyway.
I'm kinda ok today the morning was a bit hard but i was working on my Health and Social care work in college from 8:30 till 1:30pm (last day

)non stop, still i believe i completed most of my work just one more thing to do. I feel upset though because my teacher was saying merry christmas, goodbye, have a lovely christmas etc. but i found it difficult to handle and i kinda panicked a little and could not reply, maybe i should tell my teachers about my problem cause then they might understand that i'm not being rude to them i just find it difficult anyway now that i have written it down it sounds stupid to get like that.
anyway sorry if i write to much but i don't really have the confidence to talk to anyone and i feel more comfortable communicating in this way and since you all seem so friendly and nice. I just get lonely sometimes.