Conversation Between MegaMadness and Micky
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
Well the chat room is where some of our members get together for fun or for support and advice, it really depends what room you go into. Sometimes it can get a bit crazy in there. Haha.
But everyone is talkative and friendly. You just gotta introduce yourself. 
Um ... i dont really get the chat room can you explain that to me? i was in it before and it was like random LOL
and i dont mind you added me on MSN
That's good
Um you should deffinatly know that I'm like heaps awesome. Haha
Just kidding. Well um what would you like to know about? Because theres so much stuff that I could go on for hours with.
Ps. I added you on msn. Hope you don't mind.
Hi Megan
I used the site yesterday for some advice so i'm not too bad atm thanks for asking
I'm not very good with sites so is there anything I should know in particular?
Hey there Micky (Mouse) Hahhaha just kidding.
Sorry couldn't help myself. 
Anyways, welcome to TH!
I'm Megan and I'm a buddy here. How are you going?
You should introduce yourself in Arrivals and departures, so everyone can get to know you better.
If you ever need anything, drop me a line.