You asked me to write you a
VM so I'm going to do it now before I get in the shower because after that I'll probably forget as my memory is so bad and then you'll be disappointed and we can't be having that.

It has been really good to be able to speak to you so much over the past couple of days and I feel as if I've learnt so much about you in such a short amount of time. I mean, I know we use to speak before and everything but that would mostly be messing around and I didn't know all that much about you and your life. I think that you're an amazing person who is much stronger than they believe themself to be and while you have your struggles and all I just know that you're going to overcome them all because I believe in you even if you don't believe in yourself. I know things are tough for you right now but I promise you that things will be okay in the end and if they aren't then I'll bring my horse over to Aussie to bring you Subway to cheer you up.
Smile, I love you, never ever forget that.
