I definitely agree with you about people here not having much of an idea. I've been on here a while and usually I find common ground on most issues with at least a few people but this is one issue I think people just plain don't get.
I guess they see people embracing equality and tolerence in the mainstream media, or even in their own social groups, and assume that bigotry and discrimination is not an issue of this era. They don't realise that just because they don't practice discrimination themselves, and just because the media pushes our ideals, doesn't mean the real world beyond their own scope is like that.
And I wouldn't worry about being new and worked up. The longer you spend here the more you'll realise that your post was pretty much cool, calm and collected compared to how some people can get. Including me :P
But your dad seems like an intelligent guy, it must be where you get it from. Seriously, when I read your post I was shocked to see you were 14... I wish I'd been able to write that eloqently and get my point across so clearly when I was 14! FR coming your way