Conversation Between MamaBear and ~babydoll~
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 55
The last time my mom hit me, I went to school and told them what happened. They had some lady talk to me and my mom. It kind of made our relationship worse, but she shouldn't have hit me the way she did. My mom isn't allowed to hit me anymore. If she does, they're going to take me away from her
Mk. well if they ever do it again I'd say go to the cops
Well, it's actually been almost 2 years since the last time my mom hit me. It's been years since my step dad hit me
May i ask when the last time was that they hit you?
Well, my mom and step dad use to hit me when I did something wrong, but they don't hit me anymore
Wait would your family hit you?
~hugs back~ No they won't because they don't want to get beat up either
*hugs* so they wont stand up for you at all?
Well, my close friends that I had at that school were just like me. They didn't like getting in fights or anything. They wouldn't have been able to stick up for me because the person who wanted to fight me would want to fight them
Hmm well I'd say just stick close to your friends, good often makes the bad disapear