Conversation Between MadPoet and Marshmello Kid
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 71
Oh, drawing, cool
What are you drawing?
And awesome! What color are you leaning towards?
Haha, I'm watching Futurama! But I'm about to go have a shower then go to bed. lol. Oh, I'm drawing, too.
I think I might dye my hair soonly.
Haha, definitely. xD
Andddd, nothing really, just listening to music and staring at TH, as usual. I have to get my post count to 1,000! I'm pumped. haha. How bout you?
Yeah, Nachos are the bomb. xD
What's new?
Oh yeah, chocolate chip cookie dough is the best. I could buy a whole tub of it and not even make cookies, I'd just eat it raw. xD
& I haven't tried Mexican rice at home before. We always go to the Mexican restaurant near our house, and they have the most amazing rice ever
But then again, all Mexican food is awesome. lol
Ahaha, yeah, I never make cookies anymore. I eat them all before they're cooked. 
I haven't tried making the mexican kind, yet. I'll have to look it up, I hope it doesn't have meat. haha
I'm doing alright 
I just made brownies, but half of the brownie mix ended up in my mouth (although, it probably wasn't really half, that's an exaggeration
& Yumm, I love rice. Especially the mexican kind, haha.
I'm good, just ate some tasty fried rice. Lol
How're you?
Well, hey Reid 
Thanks! And I'm glad you did VM me, VM's are very cool 
How are you doing?
Thanks [=
My name's Reid. Lol, I was just debating with myself about VMing you, because you seem really cool.