Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 951 to 960 of 1267
Hmm, what do you mean, that they've like... mysteriously made every other computer software suck? lol 
Bill Gates is like a multimillionaire all because he thought up Microsoft. lol
Which is why I hate Microsoft. Ever thought it weird how only their program works perfectly?
Ohhh, gotcha. Wow, I'm so.. slow to catch on to things 
I think I may have heard of Avast before, not sure. The only program I have that hasn't funked out my computer completely is Windows Defender.
No idea, I was taking the piss out of people who run an unknown file xD
Avast is probably the best antivirus and Ad-Aware for antispy
lol xP another annoying virus program?
it's funny, because half of the 'spyware defender' programs I installed... came with, you guessed it, a truckload of spyware attached. Hmmmm... ironic. lol
Yep, especially when people insist on running virus.exe 
lol, well computer guys definitely luck out, then. Especially when it comes to evil computer viruses and crappy spyware, right?
really, though, the world really needs computer geniuses these days, so it really pays to know a lot about computers/technology and such.
Haha, it's always amusing when that happens. I have independence on the internet so I'm ok to click on what I like
. Mainly because I'm the computer guy
Haha(: Yeah, I might ask to move my computer into my room someday. Ohhh, I wish and hope. Privacy would be nice, lol. I would hate for them to find out that I use TH, they would have like... a fit of some sort
lol. The other day my mom was like "Jeez you spend so much time on that computer, I hope you're not talking to people you've never met, they could be some disgusting sex addicted old guy."
Haha, I have a lock on my bedroom door which has the same effect. If someone knocks a quick windows lock until it's gone