Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 1267
I don't like being busy either you know 
I wish you were on MSN.
It's really sad that you're busy, you know 
I suppose. It's still hard to be sure. At least for me, it is. Then again, I can never decide anything. I wish I'd never even heard of God 
Well I've always been a relatively logical and rational person. (there must be a reason for everything). And science explains much better than religion
lol, that's pretty much all there is to it, yeah
or so it seems.
but how can you be so sure? I wish I had a certain belief as strong as yours.
Faith is for people who don't have evidence 
If I understand Christianity correctly as long as you follow his every command all will be good
I would go ahead and put the Christian faith down with you, but as I sort of am kind of... a little bit... possibly... part of it.... I don't know. I've swore at God many times though, so the chances of him "loving me for eternity" are probably very slim.
If he's real, my bet is that he's just an ass hole.
That is, if he's real. Which I am highly doubting... lately 
But letting go of something you've believed in your whole life is.... hard, to say the least.
It is weird, even more weird is why they won't accept they're delusional
Yeah. Unfortunately, that's true.
But a whole Sonic Religion? Awesomeness 
I am proud to officially say that Religion has not taken over my mind 
I may not know if I believe in God or not anymore, but even if I do, I'm not obsessed with him, as some people are. It's actually rather scary, how in love with God some people are 
This is true, there is nothing like religion to take over someone's mind