Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 531 to 540 of 1267
Lol, epic 
Haha, you were out to lunch while I was out to breakfast 
Lol, I was out to lunch then
I guess I'm a stalker. Muahahaha. lol jk, lucky guess, I suppose?
Hopefully you're online now as well!
How did you know I'd just got online? 
Gooooood Morninggggg Sonicccc! Whoo, double letters.
Aww, ok then. And I'll be going to bed soon dw
Well, I must go 
Unfortunately staying up late is not an option in my house =/ Which is ridiculous. xP
Talk to you later. x
Hahaha. xD
Wow. I thought you didn't like staying up all night? Looks like you kind of have. xD
Very blue background. Cool.