Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 141 to 150 of 1267
I cannot wait till I am holding the new Switchfoot CD in my hands... *Sigh* 
And until I get to go to a SF concert... *even bigger sigh*
I'm in lovee
(Not with the guys in the band, with the music. xD)
Oh my gosh! I have to say! It was warm outside today! Even though it snowed yesterday!
How's the weather in amazing England?
Lol, nice one 
Yeah, but you have to remember that she's the person who's into Garth Brooks and Tim McGraw. xD
And yeah, that's why I love 'older' music
Although I don't really see it as THAT old. Like, my mom is pretty much the biggest Billy Joel fan ever, and I think that he's awesome, and she's got like all of his CD's, so it rocks 
Scared of BULLET?!?!
I'm into rush at the moment
. That's the great thing about old bands, not only do thay have an epic back catalogue but it's usually either really cheap or someone in the family has it 
Music, of course. I burned a CD from iTunes, although to listen to it in the car I had to put music my sister and I both like on it, so it kind of sucks. But oh well. She's scared of Bullet For My Valentine

& Oh yeahh, I see that in your Messenger status. I get the feeling you like the band Rush. lol
What are the CD-Rs going to be used for?
I'm listening to Red Barchetta now 
Yes, exactly. xD Guess you're obviously a pretty awesome person to talk to, then 
I got ten CD-R's today
*Claps* Not as much as your near ten thousand, but I'm happyy!
Well that is evidenced by the 1120 VMs in this convo 
Hey hey hey 
We talk to much 
Alrighty. Have a nice early night
Talk to ya later. x