Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 130 of 1267
See, that's what I hate lol, right fakers
They had a bunch of idiots from school sign this poster thingy saying they wanted me to come back... sure they do, it was a bunch of people who never even glance at me 
And yuss, that is true.
That is weird, what did you tell them?
Our conversation is frequent enough to be classed as an msn convo lol
Yeahhs, I suppose. But VM's are justt so coool! I guess I'll just have to get over it. lol
Ahhh these random people from school came to my door 
I'm not trying to, I'm sorry ):
*Hugs and apologies*
Maybe I'll just have to get a facebook, then 
If I could ever figure it out

Please don't make me feel any worse 
Yeah... I guess =/ but it would still really suck if you leave.
Just saying, I'm definitely someone who wants you to stay 
What other members? You're the coolest member, by far. And pretty much the only one I have interest in talking to. Which is why I'd hate it if you left