Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 1231 to 1240 of 1267
Of course you're important. I wouldn't let a bunch of TH mods who refuse to believe how awesome you are make you feel like you're not important.
But why bother about me? It's not like I'm important
What doesn't matter to me?
The way you were treated?
Well yeah it does, I think it was pretty unfair.
But, I love TH and helping out, so I guess I just aim to try and stay out of conflicts... not that you didn't either, I'm just saying
Meh, it doesn't matter to you though?
Yeah. Hopefully everyone treats you ok now
Aye, it was the principle more than anything
Hmm, that is a bit odd then...
Well, at least they were all overturned.
And you didn't get banned or anything.
This person has been on staff for a while same as forum mod
Was it a new mod ?
Maybe they just had bad judgment when they were starting out.
Nope, this forum mod had also removed some of my posts when there was no need to. Even disputes overturned the warning