Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 1191 to 1200 of 1267
The only thing that would suck would be if there were no admins because they do all that complicated stuff with the forums and all that... they have to know computer language to 
Lol, perhaps. Perhaps not
lol, yeah, and then all the other would be oh so missed...

Lol, or anyone I don't like xD. Although you and Charlie would be the only buddies left
To bad we can't kick out all the people who are rude...
Oh, and the ones who joined like months ago and never post. lol.
Haha yeah some people should, but there's a lot of great people here to.
Meh, some people should leave but I suppose there is a difference lol
I think a lot of the buddies care more about getting more people to stay on the site. But most of the buddies are generally nice people. But I mean, we don't want people to leave, right? I care more about helping people who are having issues, maybe I should have become an LHO, but I like being a buddy so... oh well.
For the most part no, I was being professional though. There is a difference between them but apparently not as far as the admin who removed me was concerned. I think they all are; some are more professional than others which gives the illusion that they care and dw, I know you can't say you don't care either