Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 1111 to 1120 of 1267
Yeah, tell me about it
lol, yeah, and research papers are the worst things in existence.
when I have to write some 'creative writing' crap in english, I don't mind much. I had to write something on my 'personal hero' a few months back, and that wasn't bad. But when it comes to research papers.... eek. lol
Pretty much lol. It's even worse when you have to reference all but the most basic facts
Oh, I hate that. "Let's give these already annoyed students a question that is extremely easy to answer in simply a sentence, and make them write 8 million words on it, just because." Evil....
Most of mine were 1,000 word essays in which the actual question could be answered in a 50 word paragraph
I only used to get to about 850 words
Oh yeah, that makes me really jealous
I had this stupid essay the other week where it had to be no more than 300 words. Impossible!
True but word limits were never a problem for me xD
lol, well that is a tricky one. but essays suck for everyone xP
Haha, you never know, and I would say it's more of a curse than a talent, especially when it comes to essays
Well, who can blame you? People are just... hard to figure out. In my opinion, no one can fully figure the human race out. Heck, I can barely even figure myself out half the time so, I know what you mean. But, then again, I understand other people better than I understand myself.
And I should be able to handle that if I get accepted, I always blab and leave messages that are way to long. Haha. But hey, some people have the natural talent of saying a lot in just one sentence. Maybe that's you