Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 1061 to 1070 of 1267
Or they're going to the donut and coffee shop ;p
yeah, evil cops! it's like their psychic or something and just KNEW that I'm a future criminal. creeeeepy.
Aha, serves you right for trying to go on the rob 

lol, because the only people that live on my street are people that are close to being in nursing homes, and they all stare out their windows all day being nosy neighbors sooo... I think an axeman would be a bit to scared
plus there's two cops on the street, so so much for my plan to rob all the houses on my street!
Haha, how do you know that there is not a axeman lol
You're welcome 
Oh my God you'd think there was a dude standing on the porch with an axe the way my dog is barking right now 
lol, it's insane, I'd just left your page and I already had a new VM from you. Turbo typer! haha.
I am lol, I think I'm about the only person who the 15s between posts applies to
Wow, you're a fast VMer! lol