Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 831 to 840 of 1267
well, you're a chat pro xD
plus more people know you, mostly.
plus all you have to do is type in a lyric to one of your awesome songs you listen to and everyone automatically is amazed
Aww, I'm ok in chat but thats only because I've been there a while
haha :P
yeah.. I don't like the chat room that much.
my secret fear: that people will think what I say is stupid. =/
and I guess I'm kind of shy to, so chat isn't the best place for me. lol
Aww, well I wasn't taking part in the convo, Marie always takes over
You left chat =/ How sad.
The conversation went to sh*t
Yes he does but the unforgiven is slower than most metallica songs though. Battery sounds rather different
It's a pretty good song. He has a, shall I say, good voice. lol, well that like...rockish kind of voice. Which is a good voice. xD Do they sound pretty much the same live?
Ah yes, the unforgiven :]
that one was played
I think it was something about Unforgiven?
The Unforgiven? Something like that.
hehe, but you can always rectify it
Just out of interest what song is it lol?
Well it was a circular stage in the centre so there wasn't a squishedness