Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 381 to 390 of 1267
If you know what a distro is. xD
Wow, you spoke your mind when you replied to that thread and told the girl to tell her boyfriend to fuck off
Simpler than you think, you just have to pick the right distro lol
What? You mean it's as simple as that!?
Oh but wait. That's not simple.
I have no idea what a hard drive is
Well. Only problem is that you'd have to remove all of the evil spyware and viruses that are eating away at my apparently easily targeted computer. And who knows how you'd do that. Muahaha
Not really, I'd just wipe windows and install Linux. Plus the hard drive would be easier to steal
I think I'm going to steal your computer. Maybe you won't even notice that your computer miraculously switched from Linux to evil Windows
Aww, (he says in firefox)
Oh, well that's pretty awesome. Maybe I'll search them. You don't listen to any sucky bands
oh my gosh, stupid firefox won't work and I'm stuck using Safari. Grrr.