Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 1251 to 1260 of 1267
What, here on TH?
Did a lot of your friends get banned to? I know some people were talking about that earlier in chat...
Plus it was the good old days when I had more friends, no offence but it's no longer as cool
Wow, that's lots of cash
I must say I'm very jealous, lol xP
Yeah, $350 of cash. I was number 1 ranked donor
What kinda stuff did you donate to the site?
Just, like, money?
Can't blame him but I liked my stone grey colour
Ohh. Gotcha...
No idea, that's something Rob would know. Probably couldn't be arsed at that stage
Ohh. Well that makes sense. Wonder why they got rid of it...
If you donated you got certain stuff: bigger sig and avatar and more PMs mostly