Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 1121 to 1130 of 1267
I understand problems not people - much like my (fictional) hero xD
LHOs are not allowed to give one line replies anyway
No it doesn't. And even if you think it does, at least you try to understand people unlike a lot of the insensitive ass holes I know.
And I like the path of least resistance. Not to mention my advice sucks haha
lol, yeah, I know what you mean. I applied for LHO, I think I might like that a bit better than Buddy, I don't feel like I have that big of a responsibility. I like responsibility 
Meh, that's one part I'd rather not do anyway. My posts always seem so shallow xD
And that's when it becomes really stupid that you're not still a Buddy 
The person who wrote the guide to VMing can't VM new members. Hmmm.. lol
Yeah, it's in the sticky topic you always link to. And now for added irony check out check out How to use the forums 
Oh, really? Well, a Buddy does a lot of that.
Nah, I was saying that I wrote the guide on how to VM people 
wow, lots of views.
& what do you mean, that I have a lot of VM's?
My brain is slow today, I have a hard time understanding simply phrased things.
Help me out here