Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 1071 to 1080 of 1267
Way cooler than dumb video game characters like... pokemon 
(pathetic example, im not really a video game chick lol)
Ohhh, gotcha. Well, Sonic is a very cute blue dude
Nah, a series of games from sonic 1 to the latest one lol
So is it like a TV show then?
Lol, he's in a whole series on Sonic lol
Oh my Gosh! That one is so cool!
Isn't he in like.. a video game or something?
I've seen both of them before, besides when I searched "Sonic the Hedgehog" on photobucket 
I meant

Hmmm, yeah I can't exactly place the difference but it looks like he is a bit different looking than the other.