Conversation Between MadPoet and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 1031 to 1040 of 1267
Yep CH3CHO2(aq) 
Ohhh, gotcha. And haha, interesting science lesson 
You can learn so much about science when it comes to simply alcohol, can't you!? lol.
Well it's a numerical scale. Absinthe is about 70%v, most spirits are 40%v, liqueurs and wines are 10-20%v and the alcopops are ~5%v
100%v would be pure ethanol, *insert science lesson*
assume any alcoholic drink is purely water and ethanol (not unreasonable)
as the density of ethanol is less than that of water the two cannot be compared directly, by stating the alcohol fraction by %v it can be said that water is (100-x)&v. The higher x is the stronger.
*end lesson*
basically the higher the number the more alcoholic it is
So 40% Volume would be like a lot stronger, or something?
I could understand it at low %v but not JD which is 40%v
%v means percentage by volume in case you were wondering
Crazyness! I don't understand how you could even drink any kind of alcohol like that, I'd puke. lol
Well when I went to see airbourne last November they were drinking Jack Daniel's like it was water lol
Well still, it's really awesome that you get to go. AC/DC are pretty much my definition of complete 'rock God's'
Just hopefully they're not stoned during the concert! Haha jk.
Because my parents are buying me the ticket for my birthday. I want to go to download but I don't have the funds 
That's so awesome that you've gotten so far, and I'm sure that you can make it 
Oh... and AC/DC CONCERT!? And I wasn't invited WHY!?