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Conversation Between LosingSanity and Anatidaephobia
Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 95
  1. Anatidaephobia
    September 7th 2011 06:01 AM - permalink
    Ah yeah i have to write my personnal statement thing. Its so hard. I just don't know what to write "/
    I hope you get it done ok (:
    I'm hoping to study speech and language therapy. How about you?
  2. LosingSanity
    September 5th 2011 10:41 PM - permalink
    I'm just hoping to get in! haha. Building an outstanding portfolio is gonna be tough in these next couple of months
    What are you going to major in?
  3. Anatidaephobia
    September 5th 2011 09:20 PM - permalink
    Yup then it's uni I'm looking foward to it though. I just hope i get the grades.
  4. LosingSanity
    September 5th 2011 04:57 PM - permalink
    Same year. Crazy that high school is done after this, huh?
  5. Anatidaephobia
    September 5th 2011 10:33 AM - permalink
    Oh yeah of course
    Year 13, hoe about you?
  6. LosingSanity
    September 5th 2011 01:41 AM - permalink
    Awe man New computer dedicated entirely to the sims? Totally understandable.
    What year are you?
  7. Anatidaephobia
    September 4th 2011 09:11 PM - permalink
    Tell me about it
    Nah sims is good My computers blown up now though and i can't play it on my laptop
    I go back on Wednesday unfortunatly
  8. LosingSanity
    September 4th 2011 03:12 PM - permalink
    Sims is so addicting. All week I'd been playing it and when I heard school was gonna be off until Tuesday I called up my friends and was lke "Please tell me you're free. Sims is my life and it's not okay anymore" xD
    When do you go back?
  9. Anatidaephobia
    September 4th 2011 11:37 AM - permalink
    Oh nice
    Yeah motivations always hard, i need to get my coursework done before i go back but i just can't concentrate on it.
    I'm playing sims
  10. LosingSanity
    September 3rd 2011 11:00 PM - permalink
    Just figuring myself out with the tails side of a coin, haha. you konw, the usual :P
    That and trying to motivate myself into doing this AP work and seriously getting rid of some of my stuff or finding a new way to organize it.
    What about you?
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