Conversation Between lOkita and MadPoet
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
switchfoot? never heard of it lol
are they/it good?
Ohhh. Gotcha.
& I like lots of stuff to. My favorite band is Switchfoot, and I like lots of classic rock 
lol i ment and her puppy buster lol but yeah
i lik anything well almost anything lol
what do you lik? any specifics?
Puppy Buster? Haha, nice 
Music is awesome
What kind of music do you listen to?
lol noo they changed him from christopher robin to darby and puppy buster lol and its called my friends tigger and pooh lol
its sooo cute!!
and omg im listenin to music too lol..thats alllll i do. :]
Aw, poor Christopher Robin
What did they change it to, "Christiana Robin?" 
& I'm doing okay
Just been listening to music and all, as usual. lol
lol well over here winnie the pooh do come on lol but as a differnt show lol its on playhouse disney in the morning lol..all the characters are all still there execpt christpher
he is now a she lol
and im good and yu?
I always used to watch Winnie the Pooh
I still would, in fact, if it was on.
& Hey Jahmelle
How are youu? xD