Have you seriously been orange for 2 1/2 years? Wow, time really does fly. That's pretty terrifying to think about but then I remember my baby brother is 17 in a few months and it makes me want to cry in a corner until time stops moving.

Oh wow, that's a good point. I'll be six years in December. It's scary how much has changed. Sometimes I read old threads and see all these users and it's like THAT WAS ONLY YESTERDAY WHY HAVE THEY NOT SIGNED IN FOR TWO YEARS?
Windows 8 is a travesty. It will say it wants to be updated and you can delay it for one day, but after that you don't get a choice. You can either update when it says or use the 20 minutes to save your work first. If you're away from the computer and don't see the message and come back to everything shutting down it's maddening.
On the plus side, I have a Netflix app. That also stops working after updates but hey, it only takes a few hours to fix!