You're too paranoid about doing things wrong. Chill.
It looks like a good subject but we'll see. OU says you can take up to 16 years to do it. I saw that and was like "Hell no." I'm aiming for 3-5 years and hopefully I can get some work experience in and volunteer with The Samaritans or something. There's an office not too far from here.
I imagine it'd be pretty hellish on a phone, especially if you have multiple calls going at once. Better waiting until you have a bigger screen. And a mouse.

Of course it was nothing to do with the operator. As if we'd ever have someone on an official site system giving bad advice and making someone feel ten times worse.

Nah it was a couple of years ago. I reported it to Rob and the person is long gone.
Your chances are good if you've written for them before. And you can still have
LH as a Secondary if you wanted to keep helping out there. Wink wink.

Good luck if you do apply! I used to be on Avatar before it turned into Articles (
TH had an E-zine once upon a time) and that was pretty cool.
Ahhhh at least you're with family, though. I'm sure they really appreciate the extra help.

And if it makes you feel any better, I did placement experience in a care home. My first day I was told to keep back from one of the residents because he did like young girls (not maliciously it could just be a little creepy at times) and would often swipe at people with his remaining arm. So I stayed away from him all day and was just about to leave when one of the nurses called me into his room where they were changing his pad (all the residents had one "just in case") and they actually said "Oh just stand at the end of the bed and watch to make sure all his.. y'know bits, land on the pad. Thanks!


Was terrifying at the time but it's a good way to make people smile now.